Features of drying the body for girls
It’s no secret that for women, the issue of combating excess body fat is much more acute than for men. And it’s not about fashion trends. The main culprits for this are estradiol, estrogens and alpha-2 receptors, which are present in large quantities in the female body. They are the ones who “stand” on guard of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Based on all of the above, a nutrition program is formed during drying the body for girls.
There are also several very important aspects that every girl must take into account when deciding to get in shape using drying at home.
- 1The first thing that girls should pay attention to is a clear awareness of the desired result. It should be remembered that for the normal functioning of the hormonal balance, the percentage of subcutaneous adipose tissue should not fall below the 11-13% mark. For comparison, in sports girls with prominent muscles, this percentage is already 14-20%. An indication of obesity is considered to be a mark above 32%.
- 2The second important thing to watch out for is the rate of weight loss. It is very important not to go too far. Loss of 0.2 kg of adipose tissue per day is considered safe for health.
- 3And the third important point is contraindications. Drying the body is categorically contraindicated for women during pregnancy, lactation and in the presence of diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, pancreas or gastrointestinal tract.
Nutritional principles for drying the body
The disadvantages of drying the body for girls are more stringent nutritional restrictions compared to a conventional weight loss diet . This undoubtedly affects the emotional state of the woman, and sometimes also the physical well-being. Irritability appears, often there is an unreasonable bad mood. Please note that the menu for drying the body for girls should include fewer carbohydrates than men.
BZHU ratio
But at the same time, fast carbohydrates should not be excluded in order to prevent intoxication of the body. The amount of carbohydrates per day is easy to calculate, based on the fact that they should not be more than 20-30% of the diet. And if at the first stages it is 2 g per 1 kg of weight, then gradually the volume of consumption decreases to 1 g per 1 kg of weight. It is very important not to lower the bar below this line. You will find an approximate menu for a week when drying the body at the end of the article.The most popular balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates during drying is considered to be 40-50%, 30-40% fats and the rest are carbohydrates.
Of course, the correct calculation should be based on your body type – as you know, there are 3 of them.
- For the mesomorph it is recommended: B – 40%, F – 40%, U – 20%
- Ectomorph is recommended: B – 30-40%, F – 35-40%, U – 20-35%
- For endomorph: B – 20-50%, F – 15-30%, U – 10-20%
Exit drying
Another important point that we would like to draw your attention to, before moving on to specific recommendations for the menu, is the exit from drying. Its planning is just as important as a careful study of the nutrition program. The body has been deprived of a number of substances for a long time, therefore, as soon as you return to a more loyal diet, it will not miss the opportunity not only to replenish reserves, but also to save them up for the future, increasing subcutaneous fat with interest.
Therefore, keep in mind that the amount of carbohydrates and calories should be added gradually. About 200 kcal per week. Fractional meals and small portions are best made the norm. This will help keep the processes at a high level and control the absorption and breakdown of fats. (We also recommend reading about the features of the diet when drying the body ).
Grocery list
Although food on drying should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is still worth remembering that, to a greater extent, the diet for drying the body for girls should still consist of proteins. Carbohydrates are encouraged only slow and in limited quantities.
Listed below are the recommended foods for drying your body, especially if you spend a lot of time at home. Thanks to them, the process of burning fat will be as efficient as possible. For convenience, all products are divided into groups.
Foods you can eat safely
- 1Meat: turkey , chicken breast, veal, beef , lamb, rabbit, nutria.
- 2All fish, including river and sea.
- 3Any vegetables other than potatoes and legumes.
- 4Low-fat cottage cheese, milk, yogurt and kefir.
- 5Tofu cheese.
- 6Seafood.
- 7Greens.
- 8Egg white.
Restricted products
- 1Boiled or baked potatoes in their skins.
- 2Durum wheat pasta.
- 3Cereals.
- 4 Nuts.
- 5 Dried fruits .
- 6 Fruits.
- 7 Berries.
- 8 Low-fat cheese.
- 9 Egg yolk.
- 10 Legumes.
- 11 Whole wheat bread.
Products not recommended
- 1 White bread.
- 2 Flour products.
- 3 Sweets.
- 4 Soft wheat pasta.
- 5 Mayonnaise.
- 6 Canned food.
- 7 Smoked products.
- 8 Sausages.