Category: health

Daily intake of vitamin D – recommendations, content in products
Itamine D is one of the most important substances responsible for human health. It regulates more than a thousand physiological processes in the body, including...

What and how we breathe
For any physical activity, a lot depends on breathing. It doesn’t matter what you choose: gym, CrossFit or swimming. Today we will talk about...

Testosterone boosters
Testosterone boosters are sports nutrition and supplements that are used to stimulate muscle growth , increase strength and libido , as well as prevent...

Agmatine sulfate
Agmatine 500 from USP labs Agmatine is a sports supplement (agmatine sulfate), which is often touted as the most active form of the nitrogen donor...

Subcutaneous fat – how to get rid of it without sports and training?
light subcutaneous fat is a reserve energy reserve stored by the body with excess calorie intake against the background of a sedentary lifestyle. Most often,...

How to take probiotics correctly – before or after meals? Research
Probiotics are living microorganisms added to food in order to improve the human gastrointestinal flora. Most often, we are talking about the befidobacterium Lactobacillus (it...

Answers to the ten most frequently asked questions about the basic program
The Basic Mass Training Program is one of the most effective programs for rapidly gaining muscle mass. Includes five basic exercises (bench press, standing press, deadlift, squat,...

Nutrition Guide for Health and Weight Loss
Proper nutrition is a diet that contributes to the normal functioning, development and renewal of body cells. This concept does not establish strict restrictions...

How to bui12 yoga exercises for slimminld abs and make a flat stomach
Lack of excess weight is not always an indicator of a beautiful and slender silhouette. Many women remain dissatisfied with their figure even when they...

Heart rate during exercise
Monitoring your heart rate while exercising is one of the best ways to monitor the intensity of your workout. Most athletes train specifically with...