Anthropometric data
- Height: 173 cm;
- Weight: 136 kg (off-season), 116 kg (competitive);
- Biceps: 56 cm;
- Thigh: 86cm;
- Chest: 148 cm.
Kai Greene was born in Brooklyn County, New York City, July 12, 1975. The young years of the future famous athlete were not cloudless. Starting at the age of 6, Kai Green was placed under the care of the state, since he had serious problems in his family. Over the years, he had to live in one or another family, which greatly influenced the mental state of the young man. In order to somehow distract himself, the boy decided to go in for sports and began to visit the gym. He actually wanted to be an artist. This came in handy for him in the future, when he began to go on stage, showing a beautiful and lively free composition. In addition, Kai Green loved drawing, so he used his body as a canvas, while creating works of art. On the whole, he was a gifted boy, although, to some extent, a problematic one.
Even in the 7th grade, many teachers noted that Kai had excellent abilities, he was well developed and quite talented. The only thing that suffered was his behavior, which was not the best, to put it mildly. Therefore, the teachers decided to send him to the competition. Kai already in those years understood that he had excellent abilities and he would be able to reach considerable heights in this sport, surpassing all his rivals. He decided to devote himself entirely to sports. This confidence gave him courage when he once again went on stage surrounded by famous bodybuilders. During his school period, he often had to travel to various competitions. Naturally, this experience was invaluable, as he quite often managed to take high places in decent tournaments. The teachers should also be given their due, because it is not known which path would this schoolboy take. After that, he decided to take a short break in order to significantly increase the volume of his muscles. He wanted to surprise everyone with his new form and appear in front of everyone as a completely different bodybuilder. The future champion began training at 5th Avenue Gym, where experienced bodybuilders trained. Here he learns a lot of new information about the training itself, about nutrition, etc. At the same time, he tried to bring something new to the training process.
Already at the age of 18, Kai Greene became a professional in his bodybuilding federation. He was proud of this, since he managed to win almost all the competitions in which he took part and to which the federation sent him. In 1997, the athlete turned to the IFBB Federation of Professional Bodybuilding, but first he was advised to solve all problems with the amateur organization NPC. After that, the young talented athlete did not win victories, and only in 1999 he acquired the absolute title of Team Universe. As a result, he was invited to the World Championships in Bratislava. If he had won the championship, then he would have received the title of professional of the IFBB federation. Unfortunately, only the 4th place was submitted to him, which crossed out his dream. Since there were rumors that Kai would never succeed, he believed these rumors and returned to school.
In 2004, the NPC Team Universe federation decided to give the best athlete a chance to achieve the IFBB professional title. Despite the fact that Kai Green has not been on stage for almost 5 years, he still managed to win in the heavy category. So he managed to become an IFBB professional, and this opened up new opportunities for him in bodybuilding.

Best Achievements
At the initial stage of Kai Green’s sports career, his successes were ambiguous: he could take a prize place, or he could not even get into the 17 best athletes at all. It was in 2006 at the New York Pro tournament, when the first place went to the well-known Phil Heath. For the first time, Kai Greene won only in 2007, taking part in the Colorado Pro tournament. There were quite worthy opponents in this tournament, such as Ronnie Rockel, Brennie Warren, Darrem Charles, Johnny Jackson, Denis James and others.
In 2008, he won first place at the New York Pro, and then won twice in a r
Anthropometric data
Height: 173 cm;
Weight: 136 kg (off-season), 116 kg (competitive);
Biceps: 56 cm;
Thigh: 86cm;
Chest: 148 cm.
Kai Greene was born in Brooklyn County, New York City, July 12, 1975. The young years of the future famous athlete were not cloudless. Starting at the age of 6, Kai Green was placed under the care of the state, since he had serious problems in his family. Over the years, he had to live in one or another family, which greatly influenced the mental state of the young man. In order to somehow distract himself, the boy decided to go in for sports and began to visit the gym. He actually wanted to be an artist. This came in handy for him in the future, when he began to go on stage, showing a beautiful and lively free composition. In addition, Kai Green loved drawing, so he used his body as a canvas, while creating works of art. On the whole, he was a gifted boy, although, to some extent, a problematic one.
Even in the 7th grade, many teachers noted that Kai had excellent abilities, he was well developed and quite talented. The only thing that suffered was his behavior, which was not the best, to put it mildly. Therefore, the teachers decided to send him to the competition. Kai already in those years understood that he had excellent abilities and he would be able to reach considerable heights in this sport, surpassing all his rivals. He decided to devote himself entirely to sports. This confidence gave him courage when he once again went on stage surrounded by famous bodybuilders. During his school period, he often had to travel to various competitions. Naturally, this experience was invaluable, as he quite often managed to take high places in decent tournaments. The teachers should also be given their due, because it is not known which path would this schoolboy take. After that, he decided to take a short break in order to significantly increase the volume of his muscles. He wanted to surprise everyone with his new form and appear in front of everyone as a completely different bodybuilder. The future champion began training at 5th Avenue Gym, where experienced bodybuilders trained. Here he learns a lot of new information about the training itself, about nutrition, etc. At the same time, he tried to bring something new to the training process.
Already at the age of 18, Kai Greene became a professional in his bodybuilding federation. He was proud of this, since he managed to win almost all the competitions in which he took part and to which the federation sent him. In 1997, the athlete turned to the IFBB Federation of Professional Bodybuilding, but first he was advised to solve all problems with the amateur organization NPC. After that, the young talented athlete did not win victories, and only in 1999 he acquired the absolute title of Team Universe. As a result, he was invited to the World Championships in Bratislava. If he had won the championship, then he would have received the title of professional of the IFBB federation. Unfortunately, only the 4th place was submitted to him, which crossed out his dream. Since there were rumors that Kai would never succeed, he believed these rumors and returned to school.
In 2004, the NPC Team Universe federation decided to give the best athlete a chance to achieve the IFBB professional title. Despite the fact that Kai Green has not been on stage for almost 5 years, he still managed to win in the heavy category. So he managed to become an IFBB professional, and this opened up new opportunities for him in bodybuilding.
Kai “Predator” Green. Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding.
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Best Achievements
Best Achievements
At the initial stage of Kai Green’s sports career, his successes were ambiguous: he could take a prize place, or he could not even get into the 17 best athletes at all. It was in 2006 at the New York Pro tournament, when the first place went to the well-known Phil Heath. For the first time, Kai Greene won only in 2007, taking part in the Colorado Pro tournament. There were quite worthy opponents in this tournament, such as Ronnie Rockel, Brennie Warren, Darrem Charles, Johnny Jackson, Denis James and others.
In 2008, he won first place at the New York Pro, and then won twice in a row at the Arnold Classic, in 2009 and 2010. In the same period, he won the Australian Grand Prix tournament. After that, he won 2 more victories – at the New York Pro tournament in 2011 and at the Prague Pro tournament in 2013. From 2012 to 2014, this athlete managed to take mostly only second places in various tournaments, and Phil Heath took the first place.
Kai Green’s nutrition
Kai Green’s nutrition
Kai Greene never and anywhere did not disclose what scheme he eats, since everyone believed that this athlete was a mysterious person. Therefore, it is practically impossible to find any information on this in any sources. Even at a young age, this athlete ate quite densely, eating up to one and a half kilograms of beef a day, ate dozens of eggs, including yolks, ate a lot of rice, oatmeal, potatoes, washed down with protein shakes. He used chicken breasts for snacks. It was rumored that he could eat up to 30 chicken breasts or 200 eggs in one day. It’s hard to even imagine how much food this monster ate in a day and how much money was spent on it. When Kai Green was preparing for the competition, he did not give up carbohydrates, but his amount was significantly reduced. Kaya was sponsored by Muscle Meds and provided him with quality sports nutrition. This athlete had a preference for meat protein concentrate. Either the athlete liked its taste more, or the amino acid composition was more suitable.
Kai Greene: One day in the life of a bodybuilder 2012. Full version. (VovaKulakovTV) 2018
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Kai Green’s workouts
Kai Green’s workouts
Many athletes have changed several gyms during their careers. And this is correct, because everyone wants a change of scenery, new simulators and new faces. Kai in this regard was no exception. At the same time, all athletes, sooner or later, gather in one hall, which becomes a legend for them. Kai Green himself trained in such a gym, along with such famous bodybuilders as Phil Heath, Dorian Yates, Flex Wheeler and other eminent bodybuilders. This hall has always maintained a real Kachkov atmosphere and the name of this hall is Power House Gim.
At first, the athlete trained from 3 pm to 7 pm, like most athletes, but then switched to a different regime and began to devote to training in the morning until noon. As the athlete himself said, this helps to concentrate properly, since during this period there are not many people in the gym, compared to the evening period. Thanks to this, only fruitful workouts are always obtained.
Kai Green worked his muscles according to his own method. He did not work with prohibitive weights. Naturally, when performing complex basic movements such as deadlifts, bent over presses, and T-bar lifts, all of your back muscles are involved. But at high loads, it is not possible to concentrate on the work of individual muscle groups. In this case, all attention is focused on the very rise of the projectile. Plus, lifting heavy weights often leads to injury. Therefore, this approach was not welcomed by the athlete. Often this athlete used a different method to focus on the work of individual muscle groups: he just pulled up between sets. Basically, this approach to the training process is associated with the fact that not only to work out all muscle groups, but also to maintain the connection “brain-muscle” at the proper level.
While training the muscles of the legs, Kai Green performed a rather interesting exercise that very few people perform in modern gyms – the Jefferson Squat or the Jefferson Deadlift.
This exercise has a strong effect on the glutes, including the hamstrings and quads. Thanks to this exercise, Kai managed to work out his buttocks as if they were chiseled.
Some athletes are trying to find ways to facilitate the task, lifting weights and not really thinking about the consequences. Kai Greene is not that type of athlete. On the contrary, he always tries to complicate the exercises, and not stupidly lift weights. If you carefully study the video, with the participation of Kai Green’s workouts, you can clearly see that this athlete does not work with exorbitant weights, does not use jerking techniques and partial amplitude. He prefers to work in isolation on each muscle group, working out separate areas, and for this he does not need overload.
Kai Greene. Biceps workout. Tells a lot.
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Features of Kai Green
Features of Kai Green
Kai Greene is considered the most artistic bodybuilder of all time. Each stage appearance, each display of his muscles is not just stone poses, but real artistry. He always stood out from the crowd of athletes. His arbitrary posing especially attracted attention. He could perform a headstand, make various coups and become in an unusual position. Therefore, we can safely say that this is not just an athlete, but also an athlete with the talent of an actor. His braids are not just a desire to stand out, but a desire to prove to everyone that he is not an ordinary athlete, but a talented athlete, especially since the braids were not superfluous. In addition, Kai Green noted that he does not like to stand out, especially on the street and, especially in the area in which he lives. Since the area is not entirely prosperous, the athlete, even in summer, walks almost completely wrapped in clothe
ow at the Arnold Classic, in 2009 and 2010. In the same period, he won the Australian Grand Prix tournament. After that, he won 2 more victories – at the New York Pro tournament in 2011 and at the Prague Pro tournament in 2013. From 2012 to 2014, this athlete managed to take mostly only second places in various tournaments, and Phil Heath took the first place.
Kai Green’s nutrition
Kai Greene never and anywhere did not disclose what scheme he eats, since everyone believed that this athlete was a mysterious person. Therefore, it is practically impossible to find any information on this in any sources. Even at a young age, this athlete ate quite densely, eating up to one and a half kilograms of beef a day, ate dozens of eggs, including yolks, ate a lot of rice, oatmeal, potatoes, washed down with protein shakes. He used chicken breasts for snacks. It was rumored that he could eat up to 30 chicken breasts or 200 eggs in one day. It’s hard to even imagine how much food this monster ate in a day and how much money was spent on it. When Kai Green was preparing for the competition, he did not give up carbohydrates, but his amount was significantly reduced. Kaya was sponsored by Muscle Meds and provided him with quality sports nutrition. This athlete had a preference for meat protein concentrate. Either the athlete liked its taste more, or the amino acid composition was more suitable.
Kai Green’s workouts
Many athletes have changed several gyms during their careers. And this is correct, because everyone wants a change of scenery, new simulators and new faces. Kai in this regard was no exception. At the same time, all athletes, sooner or later, gather in one hall, which becomes a legend for them. Kai Green himself trained in such a gym, along with such famous bodybuilders as Phil Heath, Dorian Yates, Flex Wheeler and other eminent bodybuilders. This hall has always maintained a real Kachkov atmosphere and the name of this hall is Power House Gim.
At first, the athlete trained from 3 pm to 7 pm, like most athletes, but then switched to a different regime and began to devote to training in the morning until noon. As the athlete himself said, this helps to concentrate properly, since during this period there are not many people in the gym, compared to the evening period. Thanks to this, only fruitful workouts are always obtained.
Kai Green worked his muscles according to his own method. He did not work with prohibitive weights. Naturally, when performing complex basic movements such as deadlifts, bent over presses, and T-bar lifts, all of your back muscles are involved. But at high loads, it is not possible to concentrate on the work of individual muscle groups. In this case, all attention is focused on the very rise of the projectile. Plus, lifting heavy weights often leads to injury. Therefore, this approach was not welcomed by the athlete. Often this athlete used a different method to focus on the work of individual muscle groups: he just pulled up between sets. Basically, this approach to the training process is associated with the fact that not only to work out all muscle groups, but also to maintain the connection “brain-muscle” at the proper level.
While training the muscles of the legs, Kai Green performed a rather interesting exercise that very few people perform in modern gyms – the Jefferson Squat or the Jefferson Deadlift.
This exercise has a strong effect on the glutes, including the hamstrings and quads. Thanks to this exercise, Kai managed to work out his buttocks as if they were chiseled.
Some athletes are trying to find ways to facilitate the task, lifting weights and not really thinking about the consequences. Kai Greene is not that type of athlete. On the contrary, he always tries to complicate the exercises, and not stupidly lift weights. If you carefully study the video, with the participation of Kai Green’s workouts, you can clearly see that this athlete does not work with exorbitant weights, does not use jerking techniques and partial amplitude. He prefers to work in isolation on each muscle group, working out separate areas, and for this he does not need overload.

Features of Kai Green
Kai Greene is considered the most artistic bodybuilder of all time. Each stage appearance, each display of his muscles is not just stone poses, but real artistry. He always stood out from the crowd of athletes. His arbitrary posing especially attracted attention. He could perform a headstand, make various coups and become in an unusual position. Therefore, we can safely say that this is not just an athlete, but also an athlete with the talent of an actor. His braids are not just a desire to stand out, but a desire to prove to everyone that he is not an ordinary athlete, but a talented athlete, especially since the braids were not superfluous. In addition, Kai Green noted that he does not like to stand out, especially on the street and, especially in the area in which he lives. Since the area is not entirely prosperous, the athlete, even in summer, walks almost completely wrapped in clothe