The main goal with which most people come to the gym is the desire to become the owner of impressive and relief muscles. To realize your dream, it is not enough just to exercise on the simulators. Only a properly designed training program for beginners can achieve truly impressive results. And if professional athletes already have enough knowledge to build a competent lesson, it is much more difficult for beginners. Many people have only a superficial idea of what a basic training program should look like.Professional athletes also often face such a choice, but their program is much more complicated and intense. In addition, they can always turn to their personal trainer for help or, using the accumulated knowledge, optimize the existing methods for their own needs and needs. They know their strengths and weaknesses, they know how to listen to their own body. Experienced bodybuilders can have a scheduled workout plan months in advance, or improvise to vary their training.
Unfortunately, this approach is not suitable for beginners. Going to the gym, many are simply lost and do not know where to start training. It is best, of course, to seek help from a trainer and follow the recommendations that he gives. You can also ask the advice of pumped up guys from among those who visit the same gym. But, as practice shows, not all trainers are able to give really worthwhile advice or draw up a training program. There are those who received their “title” by completing paid courses. Not all guys of impressive size have extensive knowledge and training skills. And here already someone is lucky, but someone is not.
Drawing up a training program
Drawing up a training program
In order not to waste your precious time and membership in the gym, you yourself should have an idea of which program to follow.
Training for a week for a beginner is based on:
Mandatory – bench press and squats with a barbell ;
Desirable – layouts , standing barbell press , exercise for the widest ( bent over row or pull-ups behind the head with a weight), biceps with a barbell , push-ups on the uneven bars or bench press with a narrow grip for triceps, bends with a barbell;
A little later – you can turn on the deadlift.
There is one important point here that must be taken into account. When there is no way to do these exercises in the gym, it means that you should look for another fitness center. You cannot load yourself to the maximum from the first days.
First time in the hall? Beginner’s workout! Lindover Stanislav
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Introductory training program
Introductory training program
It is the most important step in preparing the beginner athlete for more difficult exercises and mastering the correct technique for performing basic movements.
A rough plan might look like this:
The first day

The first day
bench press lying – 3 sets of 8 times (further 3×8)
bench press from the chest while standing – 3×8
biceps with a barbell standing – 3×8
triceps on a vertical block – 3×10
lifting the torso on an incline bench – 3×15-20
Second day
Second day
squats with a barbell on the back – 3×8
curls of the legs on the block – 3×10
extension of the legs on the block – 3×10
block thrust for the head – 3×8
hyperextension – 3×10
hanging legs on the crossbar – 3×15-20
You should do it three times a week. The first and second workouts alternate after one. Schedule your schedule so that there is a day off between gym visits. The first four workouts should be performed in two approaches, and only then increase the number to three. The fourth and eighth sessions are recommended to be made light, that is, with reduced weight.
Important! You should not lift large weights right away, as the main priority is on correct execution technique.
It is recommended to add load only when the number of specified repetitions begins to be given easily and you need to increase the load. Each workout must begin with a warm-up for 10 minutes, and end with stretching and hanging on the bar for 5 minutes.
Gym workout program for beginners
Gym workout program for beginners
When the introductory course is fully mastered, the subsequent classes are devoted to increased mass gain, increased endurance and strength indicators. Many people here try to do a lot of reps with low weight, which is wrong. This training rhythm gives an overall high load, but practically does not have any strong effect on muscle mass gain. The only benefit will be a slight improvement in stamina. Multi-reps and light weights are the average between aerobic and strength training.
After the introductory course, a more solid workload will be the right step. The training program itself may look like this:
squats with a barbell on the shoulders – 4×8
bench press – 4×6-8
leg extension in the simulator – 3×10
wiring lying – 3×10
bench press – 4×8
deadlift – 4×8
pull-ups behind the head – 3×8
lifting on socks with dumbbells – 3×12
hyperextension – 3×12 press
bench press with a narrow grip – 4×8
triceps on the block – 3×10
biceps with a barbell standing – 3×10
biceps with dumbbells – 3×10
You can train according to the above program for the first two months. If the muscles grow well, then it is ideal and can be used further. There is no point in looking for another technique.
Making the program more varied is, of course, desirable. For this purpose, some exercises are simply changed. Instead of deadlift, in some classes, you can perform deadlift with straight legs. Usually this alternation is carried out after a week. Pullover wiring and pull-ups for the head can be replaced with bent-over rows, the bench press from a standing position – with a seated press, which is best done at the end of the lesson. You can change the number of repetitions in the bench press to 6, instead of 8, and increase the working weights. It should be borne in mind that the exercises begin with a pair of warm-up approaches, followed by the workers.
Training program for beginners
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The main mistakes of beginners
The main mistakes of beginners
Beginners have a large adaptation margin and working weights are much easier to lift. This often provokes a desire to try your own strength and raise the maximum weight possible for yourself at once. Such penetrations only impede progress and can cause injury or impair performance.
When there is a choice between improving technique and lifting heavy weights, some unfortunately prefer the latter. Thus, many simply focus on lifting heavy weights. This phenomenon is called cheating, which professionals can afford, but not beginners who need to learn how to feel their own body.
If beginners read regularly, this leads to the fact that in the future they have to re-learn the technique of execution. In addition, improper performance can lead to injury, and therefore the need for rehabilitation and rollback. To master the technique, learn to feel your own body and determine your priorities for yourself, you need to engage in the proposed and similar programs for at least six months. In the future, the athlete will already decide whether he wants to become a professional by taking part in competitions, or to practice for himself.
Beginner Workout: Pectorals and Triceps (Day 1). Sergey Yugay
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