Month: June 2021

How to bui12 yoga exercises for slimminld abs and make a flat stomach
Lack of excess weight is not always an indicator of a beautiful and slender silhouette. Many women remain dissatisfied with their figure even when they...

How to build abs and make a flat stomach
The press is also a muscle, and you need to swing it in the same way as all other muscles – a maximum...

Heart rate during exercise
Monitoring your heart rate while exercising is one of the best ways to monitor the intensity of your workout. Most athletes train specifically with...

Indigestible Foods – List of Unhealthy Foods
Harmful and useful products Fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the enzymes of the human stomach, but is beneficial...

How to lose weight from fat – simple but effective tips
Let’s say you want to lose weight quickly and lose weight. Having listened to the “experts”, you increase the number of repetitions in the exercise from...

Leading the leg to the side in a simulator or crossover
Swinging your leg to the side in the pendulum machine or in the crossover on the lower block is an excellent exercise for working...

Coccyx injury – diagnostics, first aid, therapy
The tailbone is the lower part of the spine of 3-5 fused vertebrae, which is connected to the sacrum by an intervertebral disc. Despite the...

Forward and side bending
The torso bend is a warm-up exercise before any strength or cardio workout and is done to strengthen your abdominal muscles. The movement is simple...

How to build muscle and gain mass? Basic training program
Do you want to pump up quickly from scratch? To do this, you will need three short strength training sessions per week – and...

Lactic acid in muscles – what is it?
The link between lactic acid and muscle fatigue is not as straightforward as it is commonly believed. On the one hand, the characteristic burning sensation...